Took me very long to finally accept the fact that I can do anything, draw anthing on my sketchbook, that my sketchbook is a safe place for me to experiment, play, and explore styles, themes, mediums, and other ideas. I used to be so caught up in developing my own style, and being devoted to drawing only portraits.. Well.. now I’ll remember to “just draw!”
I haven't uploaded in awhile, simply because I'm not doing much that's - interesting. Just lots of exercises. I did this spontaneous pen sketch of my husband the other day and was pretty pleased.
...To step into your shoes and walk out the door, leaving the comfort of your cocoon.
Into the world again, after long to interact with people face to face.
To realise you can’t, turn around and run away.
I think, I have become insane with long intervals of horrible sanity.
I decided to try and do an this one entirely out of pen, without first using pencil..... Which didn't turn out so well considering that I'm terrible at spacing letters. So I am aware his name is missing an a at the end. I will try to upload more frequently and try to figure out how to do digital art, I was having a problem with my images being smaller than 500x500, if you know how you could help me that would be much appreciated.